Sunday 8 November 2015

Open for product reviews!

Hey guys so this is a little bit off a different post today. But I am just hear to say that I am starting product reviews. So if you are a small shop or are in contact with a small shop and you are willing to send me a product to review on this blog then please email me at: and I will be happy and willing to give you a product review on hear. Xox 
Hope to gain you all more customers. 💖

Friday 6 November 2015

John Lewis Christmas Advert.

Hello everyone!
So I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in what seems 1,00,00 years (it's only been since August in real life). I've had so much stuff going on but now I'm back and hopefully its for a very long time. :)
So if you can't tell by the title off this blog entry then this is going to be talking about the John Lewis yearly Christmas advert. Now, if you don't know what John Lewis is then I will explain:
John Lewis is a chain of upmarket department stores operating throughout Great Britain.

Every year John Lewis bring out a different Christmas advert to promote their store and Christmas in general. 
This year in 2015 (it was released today: 06/11/15) the advert was about a little girl called Lily, she is looking up to the moon through the family telescope. One night she is amazed about what she sees, a man on the moon. 
She is watching this man for a little while whilst he is up their all alone. She wanted to talk to this man so she tries to send him a letter but she can't reach. It gets to Christmas and we see that he receved a present, when he opens it he finds a telescope in the present. When he looks through it he finds the little girl and she waves at him. 
(I hope that was understandable)

Every year their Christmas adverts get more amazing and advanced. 
Hear are the last 5 years Christmas adverts from John Lewis:

(In my opinion I love them all but my favourite one is the advert in 2013). 

So I hope you all liked this post today and again I'm incredibly sorry that I haven't posted in a long while. I will be keeping up to date every Sunday!
Hope you all have a great evening. 
Please make sure to leave a nice comment down in the comment section if you like this and want to see more tags like this. If you have any suggestions off a post you would like to see the please leave it in the comment or email me at: Please don't forget to share this blog with your friends and family. 
Byeeee xox

Sunday 9 August 2015

Get to know me tag.

Hey guys so I've posted quite a few blogs entries but a couple of nights ago I was looking through them and I was reading some off your guys comments and I realised that you guys don't really know a lot about me so today I'm going to be doing the 'Get To Know Me Tag'. I don't know how this will turn out but hopefully you will all like it. Let's begin...

 Viral State
Name: Nikole-Lucie.
Nicknames: Nikkie, Coley, Jucie Lucie.
Birthday: 16 August 1998.
Place of Birth: Poole Hospital.
Star Sign: Leo.
Occupation: College Student.

Hair Colour: Originally light brown but I have died it black.
Hair Length: Short/Median.
Eye Colour: Hazel Brown.
Braces: I use to have braces but I got them taken off April 2013
Piercings: I have 1 ear piercing in each ear.
Tattoos: None.
Righty or lefty: Righty.

Best Friend: A girl called Yasmin in 2000
Award: The kind and caring award at school in year 2.
Sport: I don't know, I've always hated sport. 
Real Holiday: Haven when I was 4.
Concert: The Honeymoon Tour, Ariana Grande's first world tour, on 1st June 2015

Film: Too many to pick from but it has to be a Disney film.
TV show: At the moment it is PLL (Pretty Little Liars)
Colour: Purple 
Song: The Promise by Emma Blackery or Pink Champagne by Ariana Grande, well any Ariana Grande song actually.
Restaurant: I have no clue. I like too meany.
Store: Primark and HobbyCraft.
Book: Two And a Half wishes, The Fault In Our Stars.
Magazine: I don't really read magazines but I do like Shout.
Shoes: Converses or Nikes.

Feeling: ill. 
Single or Taken: single. 
Eaten: ice-pop.  
Listening To: Better Left Unsaid by Ariana Grande. 
Thinking About: These Answers. 
Watching: nothing.
Wearing: Black leggings and my purple leavers hoodie from 2014.

Want children: Maybe... I don't know I'm only 16.
Want To Be Married: Again I don't know because I'm only 16. 
Careers In Mind: An Actress but anything to do with Performing Arts I will be grateful for.
Where Do You Want To Live: Somewhere nice.

Do you believe in.
God: Yes. 
Miracles: Yes. 
Love At First Sight: Yes. 
Ghosts: No.
Aliens: I don't know. 
Soul Mates: I don't know. 
Heaven: Yes. 
Hell: Yes. 
Kissing On The First Date: I don't know. 
Yourself: depending. 

So if you have made it down to this part off this blog then CONGRATULATIONS you have made it through one off my longest post on hear!
Please make sure to leave a nice comment down in the comment section if you like this and want to see more tags like this. If you have any suggestions off a post you would like to see the please leave it in the comment or email me at: Please don't forget to share this blog with your friends and family, See y'all later.... Byeeeee :P

Sunday 2 August 2015

Interview collaboration with Chloe!

Hey guys! So today's blog is a little bit different to my normal ones because today I'm doing a collab with a good friend of mine called Chloe. We are going to be interviewing each other, so on my blog I will be asking Chloe 10 questions and she will give me the answers and I'll post them on hear. 
Hope you enjoy!

Interview with Chloe!
1. What gave you the inspiration to start writing blogs? 
Answer: I wanted something to do and something that would help people out 
2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? 
Answer: Hopefully left home and have my dream job 
3. What is one thing you wish you could tell your younger self? 
Answer: I miss your happiness
4. What was one off your dreams from when you where younger? 
Answer: I'd be a happy teenager and have no problems what so ever
5. Do you have any dreams that you want to achieve? 
Answer: To work with animals 
6. Do u like doing blogs? 
Answer: Yes 
7. Who is your favourite blogger off all time?
Answer: I don't have a favee
8. What is your favourite subject(s) at school? 
Answer: Animal Care
9. What are you most proud of? 
Answer: Being 6 months clean on Monday
10. What annoys you the most? 
Answer: attention seekers

Before I finish this blog I want to say a massive congratulations to Chloe for being almost 6 months clean from self harm because I know how hard it is to recover from it, please all go over and and show her some love and show her some support.

So I hope you enjoyed this blog today. If you want to see Chloe's interview with me then don't forget to check out her blog ( .-.ChloeTheDuck.-.

Please make sure to leave a nice comment down in the comment section if you like this idea and want to see more like this. If you have any suggestions off a post you would like to see the please leave it in the comment or email me at: Please don't forget to share this blog with your friends and family, See y'all later.... Byeeeee :P

Sunday 26 July 2015

Things that i regret doing!

Hello everyone, so today I'm going to be sharing 3 things that I regret doing the most, I hope you enjoy what I'm about to shear with you.

Things that I regret doing.
•So if you know me personally then you may know that I use to have a YouTube channel what I would post a video on ever Saturday. Unfortunately I just stopped making video after posting 5-10 video's on that channel and that is something what I have regretted quite a bit since then, please let me know if you would like my to bring it back because I may if a lot off you want to see it. (By the way all the video's I posted I have deleted)
•When I was 5-12 I use to do ballet, jazz, tap and modern dancing and for some reason again I just stopped doing it (I think it was because we moved house and I couldn't get their) but I regret stopping to do what I loved and only start again last September... I wish I never stoped at all!  
•The last thing I regret doing is not caring about me education when I was at school because when I went into my GCSE's I knew nothing because I did not care/listen to what was being taught to me and when you leave school you actually do need most off the things you get taught to you in school.... Well except from Algebra, your never going to need Algerbra.

So I hope you enjoyed this post and please let me know if you would like a part 2 off things that I regret not doing maybe. Please make sure to leave a nice comment down in the comment section and if you have any suggestions off a post you would like to see the please leave it in the comment or email me at: Please don't forget to share this blog with your friends and family, See y'all later.... Byeeeee :P

Sunday 19 July 2015

Depression advice.

So before I get into this blog post I'm going to worn you now that this post is going to be quite a serious post with a lot off advice, I really hope that this will help at least 1 off you!
So I've been asked quite a lot from different people on doing a blog post about depression and how to deal with it and that sort off stuff so this is going to be an advice post. I will be going over the most asked questions about depression and how to deal with it.
(Disclaimer I am no where qualified in this sort off stuff but this is all what I know through personal experience with myself and friends.) 

What is depression?
Depression is a mental health problem what causes you to feel unhappy and sad most likely everyday. Their are 3 different stages off depression 
You feel worried all the time, you feel low/unhappy a lot, finding it difficult to make decisions, not getting any enjoyment out of life and even having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself. These are the most common symptoms and if you feel like you have any of these then PLESSE seek help from your local GP or anyone who can medically help you. 
moving or speaking more slowly than usual, disturbed sleep, feeling unhappy, loss of interest in things, loss in appetite or loss in weight. Again these are the most common symptoms and if you do feel like you have any off these then PLEASE seek help from some one who can medically help you. 
not doing well at work/school/college/university, taking part in fewer social activities and avoiding contact with friends, having difficulties in your home and family life. Again these are the most common symptoms and did you experience any off these then PLEASE seek some help from someone medically.

Living with depression:
You will find that it is quite hard to live with depression but even though this sounds quite cheese things do get better for everyone. Things what can help you are going to see a councillor/therapist, going to group meetings with other people struggling the same as you, seeing your local GP or anyone else in the medical department who can help you, talking to friends and family about how you feel (only if you feel compatible with it)
And like I said earlier in the post I am not a qualified specialist in depression or any other mental health problems but this is all from personal experiences with myself as close friends.

So this is kind off it for today, I hope this has helped you in anyway and if you so want to see a part 2 about depression and other things then please let me know by leaving a comment and/or email me at:

Don't forget to leave a comment and share this blog with your friends and family, See y'all later.... Byeeeee :P

Sunday 12 July 2015

Life With A Sprinkle Of Glitter book review

So some off you may know who Sprinkle of Glitter (aka Louise Pentland) is but for the people who don't know who she is, Louise Pentland is an English fashion and beauty vlogger. She is best known by her fans and viewers on YouTube as SprinkleofGlitter. She has over 2 million subscribers on her YouTube channel and has 1.6 million on her Instagram and 1.3 million on her Twitter. 

Today I will be writing a review on her book called Life With a Sprinkle of Glitter.
A little bit about the book. Their are four section in this book- Glitz, Create, Need To Knows and All About Love- and in each section you'll find little tips and tricks, stories and insights, and nuggets of advice. 
In my opinion I feel that this book is AMAZING and I will be recommended this book to friends!
Louise said on her YouTube channel that she wanted to make a book what was fun to read but at the same time helpful and full off loads off different advice, I feel that she has definitely managed to. I also feel that her book is unique and I'm in love with that, what makes the book unique is that each page has a different design and I don't think I've seen a book with that idea before. I've gone through the book and I've just picked out some off my favourite pages and I'll show you all 5 off them. 
Page 14-15

Page 66-67

Page 172-173

Page 206-207

For all the U.S. People reading this the U.S. Front off the hook is different from the UK one so I am unable to show you the front and back off the book 💗

So I hope you enjoyed my first ever book review, I am planning to do more if you would like to see more! Don't forget to email me with more request, also don't forget to leave a comment and share this blog with your friends and family, See y'all later.... Byeeeee :P